BUS311-001   Spring 2023
Information Systems for the Global Business Environment   

Description/Objectives Conduct/Policy Grading Weekly Schedule Assignments/Project

Course Component
% of Final Grade
Assignments + Homework  25
E-business Group Project 35
Participation 15

Grading: Grades will be assigned using +/-.  The scales for the letter grades are as follows:

Range Grade What it Represents
>= 90% A Genuinely Outstanding
>= 80% and < 90% B  Better than Average Quality
>= 70% and < 80% C Meets every course requirement in acceptable or good, but not distinguished, manner
>= 60% and < 70% D Generally falls below the standard ordinarily desired
< 60 % F Disappointing performance

Participation Grade and Attendance policy:

The participation portion of your grade will reflect your contributions as an individual and as a member of the class as a whole.  Your participation in class  should reflect your preview and review of class material as well as other preparation/efforts.  You are also required to attend all group project meeting and contribute 100% of your share.  

Note:  During the pandemic,  all the Zoom meetings should be regarded as  in-class meetings.  You need to have a good "presence" on Zoom  (according to the Zoom Etiquette) to earn participation grade.   Please show well-lighted image of your face which is centered in the image.   
Please refer to the Course Conduct page for more details.

Here are some examples. Of course, many combinations of factors are possible. These are only examples.

Participation Grade



Perfect attendance and participation in class and in group project; outstanding contribution to group project; regularly made resourceful and constructive comments in class discussions and assistance in Lab sessions that reflected reading, preparation and a solid understanding of the material covered; always prepared to make connections between various learning components; never late in turning in homework or Lab assignments;  professional and helpful,  etc.


Good attendance (up to 2 excused absence otherwise perfect); perfect participation in class; perfect contribution to group project; clearly kept up with reading and homework/assignments; professional and helpful


Good attendance (up to 2 excused absence otherwise perfect), good participation in class but a little behind at times and not able to answer questions in class confidently.


Good attendance but don't answer questions or "participate" much.   Display low enthusiasm in class. 

0-30% and negative

(see Attendance policy)

Attendance issues, tardiness, non-participating/distracting behavior.  Seemed unprepared most of the time.  Note that obtaining negative points is possible if one violates class conduct policies frequently. 

Extra Credits:    Your outstanding class performance and project contributions such as being a group leader will earn you extra credits.   You will also fill out a self-assessment  form of your participation at the end of semester, for possibly earning extra credits.   Please document your own contribution throughout the semester. 

Quiz/Exam Policy:   Quizzes/exams are a critical evaluation/feedback component of your learning.   Due to COVID-19,  we will  implement  strict procedures to prevent online exam cheating, which is a known and serious problem.  The exam guidelines/ground rules are here.   Your cooperation is highly appreciated.

Group Project Grading Policy
: Your project grade is based on the results of your peer evaluations and your group's performance.  (See Project/Assignment page.)   If you contribute less than 80% (adding all %s  given by your peers)  of your share, your final grade will be adjusted downward.  As a group, you can fire any member, including the leader, as long as they have been given  proper warnings.   The firing will resulting in "F" for the class for them.

Assignment Late Policy:    Assignments are due before the class starts on the due day or otherwise specified.    Late assignments are not accepted. 

No pre-grading before any assignment is due:    Judging the correctness of your assignments/homework is part of  your learning process.

Grade Disparity Policy: If your quiz/exam grades are substantially lower than your assignment/homework grades, this will be taken as a sign that you have not done your own work on the assignments/homework and  your final grade will be adjusted to ignore the assignment portion.

Grade Appeals:   Any discrepancy or dispute about your grade of any kind, including attendance records,  must be in a written form.   Any grade appeals beyond one week from the date of returned grade will not be considered.  Appeals to attendance records should include evidence and should be done within a week of said incidence. 

Grade Negotiations: At the end of the semester your grade will be assigned to you in a strictly objective manner based on your aggregated scores. Grades therefore are never available for negotiation. Any student that "has to get an A" should use foresight and diligence to put forth the necessary attention and effort to achieve their desired goal.

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